Thursday, November 25, 2010

Take care of your sleeping bag

I found this good video on sleeping bag care.  Since we are not camping again till January, I thought it would be a good idea to share this.  I just washed mine, I want it to last me for years, so I need to take good care of it.
Take care of your gear, and it will take care of you!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Upcoming in December

December 4th-
Scouting for Food- Come to a meeting and we will tell you when to be there.
Troop Holiday Potluck
Lock in - game night.  Details at the next meeting.

George is looking for help with his Eagle Project this coming weekend and the weekend of the 4th.  If you are interested come to the next meeting and talk to George.

We will be meeting right up to Christmas week.
December 19th we will be setting up the Manger in the back of the Church.
We will NOT meet on the 20th of December.

If you plan on camping with the Troop in January and February you MUST Attend the next two months Troop meetings.  If you fail to make it to the training, you can not go.  Talk to Scoutmaster if you have issues.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Camp Lewis.. Amazing Race Camp out

The Amazing Race camp out was a huge success!  The Scouts did a fantasitc job and had a lot of fun.
Here are a few pictures taken by Bill Wood. Thanks Bill.

Once again I am proud of all of the Scouts of Troop 664.  Congratulations to John and George for winning the race.  They demonstratee good teamwork, skills, communication, and a winning attitude!
Have a Great Scouting Day!
Scoutmaster Jerry

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Troop 664 Annual Plan

CLICK HERE to get an electronic copy of the annual plan.