Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Next Weeks Meeting

Next Week we will meet at our Regular time- 7:30 PM at the Knights Hall.
The focus is on the upcoming camp out, in particular planning your meals.

We will backpacking as Patrols and eating in small groups.
Here are some tips:

1. Plan for what you like. Plan for foods that you are willing to eat.
2. Plan for how much trash you can reduce. Repackage food items, and leave the garbage at home.
3. Plan for how you are going to prepare the meals. Cold meals are ok, but evening meals and early morning meals should be warm to either jump start you, or get you ready for a cool night.
4. Plan for the gear you are carrying. What type of stove are you using? You need to factor your fuel into your meal plan.
5. Plan for your portions. How much are you going to eat? How much do you want to carry?

Use these little tips for meal planning. Try new things, explore your skill sets.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Now that I think we are just about finished with our Cross over season, I thought it a good time to say welcome to all of the new Scouts and their families to Troop 664.

I am sure you will find that your Scouting experience is about to kick into high gear. The Adventure of Scouting is just beginning and we are committed to making this the very best experience you can have. An experience that will last a life time and will create memories that you will cherish.

Our goal is to develop Character, citizenship, and fitness in our Scouts. We do that through an aggressive outdoor program.
This years theme for the Troop is "Developing an Appreciation for our Wilderness".
The way we are doing that is by getting out there and enjoying that which we are blessed to have in our back yard.

I am certain you will love our Troop as much as we do.
Contact us if you ever have questions, concerns, or ideas.

Have a Great Scouting Day!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Just for fun

Just for fun... a blast from the Past!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Troop Committee Meeting

Just a reminder that the Troop Committee will be meeting on Sunday (3-15-09) at 5:00 PM.
Location of the meeting will be the Knights Hall.

All committee members, parents, and those that are interested in Troop business should plan on attending the meeting. All are welcome.

Treasurer report
Summer camp status
Candy sale status
Open positions
Top Troop
Eagle Creek transportation
Program calendar dates and reservations

Please let me know if you have questions, other agenda items or if you won't be able to make it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome to all our New Scouts

I would like to welcome all of our new Scouts.
Many of you have already been on a Camp out or two so you are getting into the swing of things.

A couple things to make you reach your goals.

1. Remember that Advancement is your responsibility. We will help you along the way, but you need to take initiative and work your plan to achieve.
2. If you do not participate, you will not get the most out of the program.
3. Be a good member of your Patrol. The other guys count on you, so be a good team mate.
4. Meetings are important, try to be there.
5. Read your Scout handbook. It answers most of the questions you have, before you ask. Bring your handbook with you to all camp outs and meetings.

We have another new group of Scouts coming into the Troop on March 21st. Lets welcome them and get them ready for the next camp out.

We have had a big year for recruiting and bringing new Scouts into the Troop 664 family.
I want to personally welcome all of you and make a promise that you will have the greatest Scouting experience here at Troop 664, the Troop that Rocks the Thunderbird.

Have a Great Scouting Day!


Camp Cooking

If you ever wonder why the Adults and older Scouts seem to eat real well on camp outs, it is because we try different things.
Camping using the "Backpacking" style forces us to use a little more skill and try new menus that meet our needs to reduce waste, weight, and work in camp.

There are many cook books and websites that help us out.
Here is a sample of one that I know we use a lot. I know that the SPL visits this site often.


You have to do the work up front when backpacking, but you are rewarded by good eats and easy camping in the woods. Try it out with your Patrol.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The Camp out at Camp Lewis was great. I want to thank all the parents that have been driving for us. Without the ride, its hard for us to get out there and develop that appreciation for the outdoors, get into Scouting's class room, and above all have fun.
The Web site is updated... as you can see. I apologize for any inconvenience the delay caused. We had some calendar issues, but it looks like the dates are now set on months we had questions about.

I hope you like the new website format. This will be a lot easier to update and keep the families of Troop 664 informed.

Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.
Some of the posts to this site you will be able to leave comments to. Please look for that option and use it. Keep in mind, all comments will be moderated for content and relevance.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Summer Camp

Adventure and unforgettable experiences lie ahead for Boy Scouts and leaders at week-long summer camp. Many merit badges can be completed at the archery and rifle ranges, the aquatics area, and the Craftlodge.
We will be attending summer camp at CAMP PIGGOT in the Chief Seattle Council this year.
There will be more information about Summer camp coming soon. Here is what we need to do now:
Summer Camp Payments need to be made sooner than later.
We have scheduled payments that need to be made.
There is no reason to pick merit badges and the like. There will be time before we attend camp to do that.Camp Piggot offers a great program for the young Scouts and the older Scouts alike.
You can learn more about the camp at their website.

National Jamboree

ROOM STILL AVAILABLE But if you want to get in a Troop with your Friends...you need to hurry!
IF you are interested in going to the 2010 National Scout Jamboree you need to register, and do it soon.
There is a $250 deposit required at time of registration. Leaders are being selected now and Troops will be forming this year. This is a once in a life time experience for many Scouts, and it will be the Boy Scouts of America's 100th Anniversary in 2010. So do not miss this opportunity.