Thursday, December 31, 2009


Happy New Year to the Troop 664 Family...
We will start our regular meeting on January 4th at 7:30 PM at the Knights Hall!
Get ready for a Fantastic year, 2010 is Scoutings Year and it is going to be an adventure!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Committee/ Parent Meeting for Monday Canceled

We are postponing the Parent/Committee meeting till after the holidays.
Thanks to anyone that was planning on attending.

Have a Great Holiday!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


TOMORROW- Sunday December 20th.
Manger set up at St. Henry Catholic Church.  Meet at the Knights Hall @ 12:00 (noon)

MONDAY- No Troop Meeting.
The Troop Committee will be meeting at 7:30 PM.  All Parents are welcome.  This will be the last opportunity to meet this year.
Meeting will be at the Knights Hall on Monday (12-21-09).  It would be great to see a lot of parents there.

Thursday is Christmas Eve.
Friday is Christmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Troop Committee and the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.
We will see you next year.. BE PREPARED for an excited and adventurous New Year!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nice Court of Honor

A high 5 to Ely for doing a nice job putting together the Court of Honor.  It is nice to see how much effort he put into it, all to help him earn the Communications Merit Badge.  Good Job Ely.
Thank you to all of the families that continue to give your support to the Scouts and the Troop.. and thank you for coming tonight.
Congratulations to all of the Scouts that received merit badges tonight!
Job Well Done to Alex, Cameron, Jean Luc, Matthew, Joshua, and Noah for advancing this quarter at least one rank.
It was nice to spend the time tonight with all of you.

As stated tonight.. There will be no regular meeting tomorrow night (12-07-09).  We will have a regular meeting on the 14th.

Great job to all the Scouts of 664!  Thanks to all the parents, Assistant Scoutmasters, and our great Committee!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Court of Honor

Our December Court of Honor will be Sun 12/6 5pm in the McMahon Room at St Henry.

Please bring the following:

Platypus - main dish & salad
SWAT - main dish & salad
Raven - main dish & dessert
Hiway - main dish & dessert
John/George - main dish & drinks
Donation to send to the troops
Scout spirit

See you then!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The History of the B.S.A Part 1

Suggested List of things for the Troops!

Here is a Suggested list of things to bring to the Court of Honor on Sunday for the gift box to the Troops:

Hard candy
Suduko Books/ Crossword Puzzles
Hard Candy
Books (soft bound)
Baby wipes
Crystal Light drink mix
Red vines
Home made cookies
Playing cards
AA Batteries
Hard candy (NO CHOCOLATE)
Personal Letters to the Troops.

The Soldiers over there have access to the exchange system, so they can purchase most items... gettting them in a gift box from home lets them know that we care and are thinking about them.
This list is short and based on what we liked when I was there.
Anything from home is a good idea.  If you think of something the Troops might like.. add it to the list and bring it to the Court of Honor on Sunday.  We will be boxing it all up and sending to the Soldiers that are currently serving in Iraq.  Did I mention Hard candy?

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to wish the Troop 664 family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Count your blessings.. we have many.
Have a Great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Be ready for a great Camp out at Meriwether

We will be leaving the Knights Hall at 7:00 PM on Friday night... So don't be late.
We are staying in Adirondack Shelters so camp set up will be a breeze.
Be prepared.. Wet and Cold seem to be what we can expect, but that's the Oregon Coast for you.
I am looking forward to getting back out there this month.. it's going to be a great camp out.
Leave No trace and Winter camping are the skills we will be working on while down on the coast.

See you Friday!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Troop Committee meeting results

Just thought we would share the results of the committee meeting.. well at least the important stuff.
First the annual plan was finalized by putting dates to the outings for the year.
The Budget was set to support the annual plan and approved.
We need more help with the committee.. if you are interested.. see Sally.
OK.. here it is.  We will be posting events as they come close.. but here is the years plan with dates.
Mark your calendars.
NOVEMBER  13-15, 2009 - Camp Meriwether
DECEMBER  6th - Court of Honor
JANUARY 22-24, 2010 - Winter Lodge and Snow camp out
FEBRUARY 19-21, 2010- Barlow Trail Snow shoe trek
MARCH 19-21, 2010 - Hood river Meadows
APRIL 23-25, 2010- Royce Finel
MAY 14-16, 2010 - District Camporee
JUNE 18-20, 2010 - Madras Climbing Camp out
JULY 4-10, 2010 - Camp Meriwether Summer Camp
AUGUST 27-19, 2010 - Mt. St. Helens
SEPTEMBER 17-19 - Olympic Peninsula
OCTOBER 16-18 - Webelos Woods
NOVEMBER 12-14 - Camp Lewis

There's the plan.  The Scouts did a great job with posting their ideas and coming up with the plan that will ensure a great year of Scouting for the whole troop.
We will be posting the whole plan on the big board in the Knights Hall as well as keeping the plan updated on this site.
Of note, to support the plan, dues have been reduced... yes I said REDUCED to $150 for the year.
The Treasurer will be getting with everyone to discuss the options and what is currently in the Scout accounts.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Friday, October 30, 2009


The November Camp out will be at Camp Meriwether on the 13th through 15th.
Our focus will be on Winter Camping preparation and Leave No trace.
ASM Scott will be teaching us with cool activities about Leave No Trace, so it should be a great Camp out.. as always!!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

It's been a while, but we will get back in the swing of things.

It's been a while since the last update, but we will be getting back into the swing of things here at Troop 664's website.
FIRST of all we have a Committee meeting on Sunday at the Knights Hall.  It will start at 11:00 and the primary discussion will be the support of the 2010 Annual plan.
All are welcome!!!  The more voices we have the better we can support the Scouts of Troop 664.

SECOND the meetings over the next few months will focus heavily on Winter or Cold Weather Camping. It is a good idea if you (Scouts) are planning on camping in the months of November through March that you attend the meetings.  There will be a lot of great information put out as well as planning and training.

FINALLY keep your eyes out on this site for packing lists, tips and information about Cold weather Camping, it will help you be successful and have fun.

Sorry for the lack of updates.. but we are back on track now..

Have a Great Scouting Day!
Scoutmaster Jerry

Monday, October 19, 2009

Troop Committee Meeting

The Next Troop Committee meeting will be NOVEMBER 1st, 2009 at 11:00 AM.
Some of the Topics of Discussion will be reviewing the Annual Plan and how the committee can support the unit.
All Parents are welcome, please plan on attending.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, September 7, 2009

What a Wonderful World

Have A Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Barlow Trail Backpack Trip

Some pictures of this weekends Backpack trip on the Historic Barlow trail are up on the Troop's Facebook page.  Check them out.
We had a fantastic time.. even with the rain, the trip turned out to be fun.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Backpack Trip this Weekend

Reminders about this weekend.
FIRST.  We are meeting at the Knights Hall on Friday evening at 7:00 PM.
We would like to get on the road as soon as possible.  Come prepared.
NO COOLERS.. NO Grocery bags.. Every thing needs to be packed.  If you need to cross load, you can do that when we get to the Trail head.
Look at your gear.  DO NOT WAIT Till Friday to pack.
Try to limit your gear and shave some weight.  We will talk about gear you can live without on Saturday.
Make sure you have enough fuel to get you through the weekend.
Fill up your water Friday night.  Take some extra that will get you through the morning.
We will see you Friday.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Court of Honor

I would like to thank all of you that came to the Court of Honor today.. It turned out to be a fantastic Court of Honor.  I am so proud of all the Scouts of Troop 664.  They really have worked hard this past three months and Summer Camp really showed the true colors of Troop 664.
The video from the Court of Honor is up on the Troops Facebook page.
You can also watch it right below... Enjoy!
Again.  Thanks again for all of you that attended.. you made it all that more special for the Scouts.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Court of Honor

Troop 664 loves to cook and eat! Please bring something cool to share Sun 8/30 1pm at the Knight's Hall for the Court of Honor.

Hiway patrol : Main dish & salad
SWAT patrol: Main dish and dessert
Penguin patrol: Main dish and side dish
Dynamite patrol: Main dish and drinks

See you then!


This Sunday at 1:00 pm at the Knights Hall.. we will have our end of summer court of honor.
Come and celebrate our closing campfire honoring the hard work of the Scouts of Troop 664.
It will be a Pot Luck lunch.. so everyone bring a main dish and patrols.. remember what you were supposed to bring... side dishes, drinks, salads, and Desserts.  (Especially the desserts)
I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, August 24, 2009


A nice easy Backpacking trip on part of the Historic Barlow Trail.
We will depart on Friday September 4th and return on Sunday the 6th.
Menus should have been planned, but you will be given another week to get it done.
It is going to be a real fun trip!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Next Monday- 8-24-09  Regular troop meeting, we will be planning for the next camp out and wrapping up advancement requirements from Summer Camp.
Sunday 8-30-09  Troop Court of Honor.  It will be held at the Knights Hall out in the back.  The Court of Honor will be a Pot Luck.  Details will follow.  This is a big Court of Honor as we will be recognizing all the hard work our Scouts have done over the last three months, especially all the advancement and merit badges from Summer Camp.
Monday 8-31-09  Regular Troop meeting, but we may do a fun night if we get all the planning done for the camp out.
Friday 9-4-09  Troop Camp out on the Historic Barlow Trail.  A real easy down and level hike that will take us into Devils Half Acre and on to the Barlow Road Crossing.  Details at the meeting.  
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back from Camp

We had a Great Week at Camp.  Here are some pictures from Rob and my cameras.. more pics will come.

There will be no regular Troop meeting on Monday.. 
Only Ad Altre Dei participants will meet.
There will be a Troop Committee meeting on Monday.. Please Parents.. we need your help, plan on attending.
Thanks for the great week at camp.. look for more pictures soon.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I was checking out the Camp Pigott Daily Schedule and found that one night in Camp is Hawaiian Night.  The Camp encourages everyone to bring and wear their favorite Hawaiian style shirt for that night.
So tell all your friends... BRING A HAWAIIAN STYLE SHIRT to camp.. we will wear them on Friday night.
Sorry for the late announcement, but it slipped by me the first thirty times I looked at the leader guide.
ALSO... Bring a sack lunch for Sunday's trip up to camp.
See you Sunday at 6:30 AM
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Please join in an abbreviated committee on Mon Aug 17 at 7:30pm. We will meet outside while the regular troop meeting is going on.
Sept camping arrangements
Court of Honor

Monday, August 3, 2009



Parent Letter for Camp

In case you have misplaced your letter or need another copy.. here is the parent letter for camp:
Parents or Guardians of the Scouts of Troop 664;

As we are in the final preparations for a fantastic week at camp, I wanted to share some items with you that will make this a memorable experience for your Scout and ease the could be tension and home sickness that some Scouts feel while at camp.

The first way that we can achieve this is by being positive about the Summer camp experience.  Time spent with buddies, all the activities, and the chance to meet new people and try new things.  The week will fly by and before they know it we will be on the way home, each Scout with his own story to tell and experience to cherish.

Another way to help is to send mail.  Every Scout likes to get mail (even the Scouts who’s parents are in camp).  In the past I have been happy to collect mail from Mom’s and Dad’s before we depart, then each morning I “deliver” the mail to the Scout at our in camp flag ceremony.  I am more than happy to continue this.  The other way is to snail mail the letter to your Scout.  If you would like to do this the mailing address is:

Scouts name

Troop 664

Camp Pigott

25600-A Monroe Log Camp Rd

Snohomish, WA 98290

Send your mail earlier than later as we don’t want mail to get turned around and delivered to the Scout when he gets home.

It is also nice to hear from your Scout while he is at camp.  The trading post offers post cards and we encourage all the Scouts to send at least one home from camp.  So plan that into the spending budget for your Scout.

Let me talk about gear and what NOT to take to Summer Camp.  First and foremost.  No electronic devices:  Cell phones, MP3 players etc.  There is no cell coverage up there and the sounds of night in the woods as well as a full day of activity will be enough to lull your Scout to sleep.  We will not be held responsible for damage to or loss of any electronic device brought to camp. 

Food.  Do not send your Scout to camp with food.  The dining hall provides more than enough.  Food in the tents draw critters.  We do not need that in camp.  If you absolutely must send snacks, make them individually wrapped and something that will not become a distraction.  

Extra gear.  We are not going on a backpacking trip.  The amount of gear needed for summer camp is minimal.  Tents are provided.  There is a packing list on the Troop website that details what to bring.  Do not go overboard, they won’t use half of it.  Rain gear is a must as well as socks and t-shirts.  They need to have their full Scout uniform, they will be wearing it every day.  We will show them how to keep it clean.

When it comes to clothing, one set of warmer clothes will be enough.  Scout pants that have zip off legs serve great for warm and chilly evenings.  A fleece jacket will be enough to get through the coolest temps at camp.  Do not send your Scout with a heavy jacket. 

FLIP FLOPS are FORBIDDEN.  Only closed toed shoes are allowed in and around camp.  Sandals that have covered toes are great for the water front.  Heavy hiking boots are not required either.  It is preferred that what ever shoe you send your Scout in it must be able to be laced up and secure. 

Spending Money.  The Camp Pigott leader guide suggests that each Scout brings at least $35 in spending money.  This money could be spent on program materials for merit badge work as well as snacks and souvenirs from the trading post.  Camp Pigott t-shirts are available at the trading post.  Camp t-shirts are a Scouting tradition and most Scouts like to purchase them at camp.  They run about $15 a shirt.  It is up to you as to how much money you would like to send with your Scout.  We do have a lock box and are willing to be the “bank” if you are concerned that your Scout may loose money while at camp. 

Medication.  If your Scout is on any medication the medicine must be in pharmacy labeled containers with the Scouts name on them.  Inhalers, injectors, pills, and the like are controlled either by camp staff or by the Assistant Scoutmasters in camp.  If your Scout has a medication listed on his medical form that medicine must accompany him to camp. 

Medical forms.  We have checked and rechecked the medical forms.  They are an important part of your Scouts safety and treatment in camp should something happen.  It is important that every Scouts medical form is accurate and permission is given on the last page for your Scout to fully participate in the Scouting experience. 

Cleanliness.  We force the Scouts to take showers while in camp.  Typically we do this by patrol.  We do not expect them to, but encourage them to shower daily.  Most Scouts do take advantage of the Shower house daily.  A towel or two are a must.  They will use their towels at the water front and in the shower house.  Soap and shampoo in limited quantities are a must also.  Adults can not be in or around the youth shower, so we trust our Scouts (and see them at camp) to stay clean.  We have never had an issue with staying clean, I do not anticipate this year being different. 

Advancement Opportunities.  Summer camp offers great opportunities for Scouts to work on advancement as well as discover new and exciting activities through merit badges.  I personally track advancement opportunities while at camp and encourage, particularly the first year Scouts, to advance one rank while at camp.  I have a system of tracking that I will review with your Scout daily while in camp.  Make sure that they bring their Scout Handbook to camp to get requirements signed off.  We encourage every Scout to earn at least one merit badge while at camp, we discourage the Scouts from over loading on merit badges.  They are at camp to have fun, not to crank out badges.  The merit badges come with fun activities and balance.  No more than 5 merit badges will be allowed, unless they are in a “Twofer” class.  That is a class that offers two merit badges in the session, for example Fish and Wildlife Management and Mammal Study.   I ask that each Scout consider taking one Eagle Required merit badge at Summer Camp.  At Camp Pigott I will be encouraging all the new Scouts to take either (or both) First Aid or Environmental Science as the Eagle Required merit badges.  The rest is up to them as to what their interests are.  For those Scouts that want to take advantage of the water front, there are many opportunities that they can only get at Summer Camp.  BSA Life guard, Mile Swim.  Row boating, Small boat Sailing to name a few.  Encourage your Scout to participate.  It makes the whole experience memorable. 

Like I said at the outset, We are in for a memorable fantastic week at camp!!  I look forward to this opportunity to share in your Scouts growth and development as both a young man and a Scout, and it all comes together at Summer Camp.  If you have any questions this week, please feel free to ask.  While we are at camp Teresa Schleining will be the Troop’s Point of Contact.  Any messages that need to get to camp or messages coming from camp will be relayed through her.  Her contact information is:
Home phone:  503 665 9043  Cell phone:  503 730 7083 

Thank you again for supporting your Scout and providing for this great summer camp experience.  Your Scout will have a great time! 

Yours in Scouting!
Jerry Schleining


503 318 8113


We will be leaving at 7:00 AM from the Knights Hall.
Each Scout needs to bring a Sack Lunch for the trip.
Be on time so we can leave on time.
We will have a final medical form check before we depart we still have a few Med forms that need to be put in the binder.  NO FORM.. NO SUMMER CAMP.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Program fees for Camp!

Here are the program fees for camp:
Leatherwork - $3 to $10 depends on their project.
Basketry- $6
Woodcarving- $5 (bring pocket knife)
Space Explorationp $10 for the model Rocket
Rifle Shooting- $5
Archery- $4.50
Shotgun- $25 (13 years or older)
Mountain Man Experience- $20 (13 years or older)
Blacksmith- $6 (14 years or older)

Camp T-shirts are about $15
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Attention Parents

Monday Night's troop meeting is an important one for Summer Camp.
We would appreciate it if one or more parents/guardian of each Scout hang around to get all the Summer camp information and assist us with making sure all medical forms are correct.
This will be a time consuming task, so we beg you patients, but a task that will hurt us if not completed when we get to camp.
There will also be an information flyer sent home with each Scout regarding Summer Camp.
I look for to seeing everyone Monday night at the Knights Hall!
Have a Great Scouting Day!
Dug this up yesterday.  Loved it... Lots of older pictures of the Scouts in the Troop.  Opening picture was from our very first Camporee.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Swim Check pictures

Not a lot of pictures... but here are a few pics from the swim check.

NEXT Monday's meeting is real important.  If you are going to Summer camp.. unless you have talked to the Scoutmaster.. you need to be there.  Lots of information about camp!!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Swim Checks

Swim Checks TONIGHT at the MHCC Aquatic center.  7:30 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The Swim check for Summer camp will be Monday Night 7-27-09 at the Mt. Hood Community College Aquatic Center.  We will meet in the parking lot at 7:30 PM.
We have a group rate.  The cost will be $2.25 a person.

Following the swim checks we will have a troop fun night.  For those Scouts that would like to work on the Swimming requirements for First Class I will be available to help.

See you Monday!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Camp Merit Badge list

Here is a list of of Merit badges and a few other activities available at Camp Piggot:  

See The Scoutmaster for details.




Indian Lore 


Space Exploration 

Environmental Science

Mammals/ Fish and Wildlife Management


Soil & Water Cons. 

Animal Science




Reptile & Amph. Study




Wilderness Survival 


First Aid

Emergency Prep.

Rifle Shooting



Project C.O.P.E. 






Small Boat Sailing 

Mile Swim

Mountain Man Experience


Summer Camp Swim Checks

Next week (7-27-09) we will be doing mandatory swim Checks.
This year there will be no Swim Checks up at camp, units must arrive at camp with their swim check completed.
So we will be conducting our swim checks next Monday (7-27-09).  We will do it at the Mt. Hood Community College pool (unless otherwise notified).
This is Mandatory.  If you do not complete a swim check.. you can not get near the water at camp.
This will preclude you from taking any of the water craft or swimming merit badges.
Following the swim checks we will have a Troop fun night at the pool and present more information about Summer Camp.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Summer Camp Stuff

Summer Camp is coming up!  Here is stuff you need to know.

To get mail.. Our Address will be:
Troop 664
Camp Pigott
25600-A Monroe Log Camp Rd
Snohomish, WA 98290

Here is what you NEED to take:
Clothing Items
Scout uniform (complete)
Sweater or jacket
rain gear
Troop Hat
Jeans (1 Pair)
Hiking boots with proper socks
Tennis shoes
Swim suit and towel

Camping Gear
Sleeping bag
Ground cloth
Sleeping pad
Toilet Kit
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Soap for body

Camp Necessities
Personal first aid kit
Drinking cup
Pocket knife (no fixed blade knives)
Merit Badge Items
Merit badge books
Scout Handbook
Writing items: paper, pencil, pen

Very Important
Sack lunch (Sunday)
Spending money (about $35)
Mess kit for cookout day: plate, cup, knife, fork, spoon

Day pack
Fishing gear
Musical instrument

Radios or MP3 players
Electronic games
Unmarked prescription drugs
Portable TV sets
Cellular phones (Scouts)

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Royce Finel Pictures

There are some pictures of the Royce Finel Trip on our Facebook page.
CLICK HERE  to check them out.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hero Memorial Dedication Pictures

Over the Memorial Day Weekend, we participated in many activities, one of which was assisting with the Hero Memorial Dedication.
There was a professional photographer at the event and you can see his pictures at his site.
Click here to view some pretty good pics.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Royce Finel Wrap Up

Another great camp out is in the books.  Royce Finel, did once again prove to be one of Troop 664's favorite spots.
Getting into camp on Friday night was a great experience to paddle into camp, especially for our new Scouts.
Saturday's trip to Ft. Clatsop was a learning experience and our Scouts got the opportunity to participate in a demonstration!  Austin even got to play the part of Capt. Lewis.
Then it was back to camp where the fun began.
Into the canoes we went and then into the water.  Look for pictures to be posted soon.
The Backpacking Iron Chef contest turned out to be an even much better than we hoped for.  The Scouts did a fantastic job in planning and preparing their meals.  The presentations were great and not with out creativity.  The Scouts proved that the backpacking style is not only easy, but real good eating.. oh.. and a piece of cake to clean up too.
The decision as to who the winners are is still being settled.  We will announce the winners and they will receive their prize at the next Court of honor after Summer Camp.
Another Great Camp out!  
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Follow Troop 664 on Facebook

We created a Facebook account for those of us that are internet junkies and want to get lots of info in one place.  One of the biggest reasons for creating the account though is for the photo album capabilities.  We will be able to create album's of each of our activities here and share information and discussion with each other.
Many of the Scouts in our Troop are already hanging out on facebook... so here is just one more way of getting the word out.
Follow and become a fan HERE!
Have a Great Scouting Day!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Camp Royce Finel Camp Out

We will be meeting at the Knights Hall This Friday at 6:00 PM.  Please be on time.
Here are a couple tips to make you successful on this camp out.
1.  Pack your pack right.  Water proof your gear.  Garbage bags and Zip lock bags are a great way to keep your gear dry.  We are not planning on putting our gear in lake, but there is no such thing as a dry canoe.
2.  Take this opportunity to organize and scale down your gear.  If you are not going to use it... don't take it.  
3.  Meals.  Prepare your meals ahead of time.  More prep is less work in camp.
4.  Do not forget your troop hat.  You will want it when you get out on the lake.
5.  Spending money.  We will be going to Ft. Clatsop, so you may want to bring some spending money.  That is up to you... not required.
See you Friday!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Independence Day

I want to extend a Happy Independence Day to the Troop 664 Family.
This is a celebration of Character, Determination, and Will.  
This nation was born not because of of a piece of land, but because men (and women) were willing to stand for right.  Our founding Fathers were all men of Character, we can debate habits and other social ill's later, but by and large they were men of principle that were willing to selflessly sacrifice everything to gain independence and to start a free and prosperous country.
They were men that were determined to live free from the rule of a monarch.  They understood the value of a representative form of government and that the people should rule, not be ruled.
I once heard that if our republic (the United States) failed it would be the last Republic on Earth.  And it has remained.  It is the model of the Republican form were our representatives execute the will of the people.  It has been tested that is for sure, but remains the beacon the world looks to see what right looks like.  Some hate it, some wish they could be like it, but the fact remains that our Nation stands as a example for all to see.  We may not always be right to 100% of the people, but that is why we hold free elections.
So have a Great time this Independence Day Weekend.  Be Safe!  Celebrate the Birth of the greatest Nation on Earth and thank God you were born here!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So here's how it goes:
1.  You must be in at least a buddy team.
2.  Preparation is the key.  You will have to present your "preparation" before you cook.  So make it efficient.  Practice leave no trace.  Show that you are ready to cook your meal without a lot of garbage and hassle and no left overs or waste.
3.  The meal.  NO RAMEN!  Creativity and balance will get you more points.  It does not have to be a one pot meal, but remember, it needs to be a Backpacking meal.
4.  Presentation of the meal.  It needs to look good.  Again, creativity will get you far.
5.  Taste.  Goes without saying.  You will eat it.
6.  Clean up.  You will be judged on how well you clean up your gear afterwards.  A hint:  Cleaning as you go will get you points.  You will show your clean gear to the judges before it goes back in your pack.
Accept the Challenge and become Troop 664's Backpacking IRON CHEF!
Great prizes to the winners too!
You will have a limited amount of time at Next Monday's meeting for coaching with the Scoutmaster and his Assistants.  Take advantage of it!
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Words To Live By

Just 12 simple words that can direct your life... if you let them.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some quick and Easy meal ideas

Here are a few quick and Easy meal suggestions that I have dug up on the net and used on occasion.
For a quick trail lunch (you have to do some work at home):
Peanut Butter Banana Wraps
1 flour tortilla
1 tub peanut butter
1 small banana
Spread peanut butter on tortillas. Cut the banana into slices and lay on the peanut butter. Roll and eat. Makes 1 serving.

Here are a couple good Dinner Ideas:
(again... you need to do some work at home)
Sweet and Sour Chicken and Rice
1 cup dry instant rice
1 pkg Sweet and Sour Sauce Sauce
1 1/2 cups water
1 can chicken (5 oz.)
BEFORE CAMP: Mix dry ingredients at home. Store in plastic bag.
AT CAMP: Boil water. Add rice. Stir in chicken and sauce. Makes 1 serving.
Teriyaki Chicken
1 cup dry instant rice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp ginger powder
1 pgk honey
2 pkg soy sauce
1 1/2 cups water
1 can chicken (5 oz.)
BEFORE CAMP: Mix dry ingredients at home. Store in plastic bag.
AT CAMP: Boil water. Add rice mixture. After rice is cooked, stir in chicken, honey and sauce. Makes 1 serving

Notice that these all make one serving.  Do a little math and add ingredients to meet the needs of the group you are cooking for.
Literally 3 minutes on the internet and you can come up with some great meal ideas.
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Troop Committee Meeting

The next Troop Committee meeting will be this coming Sunday at 11:00 AM.
We will meet at the Knights Hall.
There will be some interesting topics for discussion and it would be fantastic if we could get some parents to attend and share with us their opinions and concerns or ideas.

Again, Everyone is welcome, We hope to see a lot of people at this committee meeting.

Have a Great Scouting Day!
Jerry (for Sally, she can't seem to get logged in)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Planning

As discussed at tonight's meeting.  Meal planning is critical for you success as a patrol, small groups, and you as individual Scouts while on an outing.
It all starts with planning for efficient cooking groups.
1.  The Stove you are using
2.  How many are you cooking for.
3.  What you like to eat.
A great place to start is the internet.  If you spend a little time preparing, you will be successful on the camp out.
Here are some sites that I like to visit:
Give those a shot, I am sure that you will see a remarkable improvement in your planning and oh yeah... eating.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June Court of Honor

I would like to thank everyone that took the time to come to the Quarterly Court of Honor tonight.
Great Food, fantastic recognition of some fine Scouts, and the Scoutmaster wins again in the "Are you Smarter than a Scoutmaster" game.
Big announcement tonight... Troop 664 is once again in the top 3 of all District Troops.  We are the Number 3 rated Troop in the Thunderbird District.!!!   Congratulations all!

For those of you that missed the Court of Honor, here is the Video of the activities of the Troop from March to May.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Court of Honor Today!

Come celebrate the success of the Troop and the Scouts of 664 today!
Where:  McMahon Room over at the Church
When:    5:00 PM
See previous posts for Patrol assignments.

See you there!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Boy Scouts and You Tube

Yes folks, the BSA has it's own YouTube Channel!
Looks good!  Check it out at:
Have a Great Scouting Day!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Figure 8 Follow Though Knot

Figure Eight Follow Through

If you are a beginner climber and can only remember one knot, let it be this one. I'd be very surprised if any climber did not know this knot. Among other uses, it's very popular as a "tie in" for attaching the climbing rope to your harness. With that in mind, follow these steps to "tie in" with the Figure Eight knot:
Step 1 (Click To Enlarge)Step 2 (Click To Enlarge)Step 3 (Click To Enlarge)Step 4 (Click To Enlarge) 
Step 1: Form a single figure eight in the end of the rope and feed the tail through your harness. Some harnesses require that you feed the rope through certain straps. When tying in, I like to feed rope through the same harness straps that the belay loop occupies (not pictured), others prefer to use the belay loop (as pictured). Still others prefer to tie into a steel locking carabiner, or two aluminium locking carabiners, gates reversed, which have been clipped into the appropriate harness straps. There are pros & cons. Consult your harness manual for the recommended tie in point.

Steps 2 & 3: Rethread the figure eight, following the same path as the first. Pull the knot tight (though some climbers prefer to leave it a little loose to absorb force from a fall). Make sure you have enough tail, as the knot will slip a bit when loaded. Check the knot by counting "two", "two" & "two", for the three visible doubled strands. Ensure they each are lying flat and not crossing over themselves.

Step 4: An optional step. If you find yourself with too much tail, or are paranoid about the figure eight slipping, tie a stopper knot with the remaining tail. 

It is recommended that you check your partner's tie in knot, and get them to check yours before climbing.


Just a Reminder, the Quarterly Court of Honor will be at 5:00 PM this Sunday (JUNE 7).
This is an opportunity to recognize the hard work of our Scouts.
It will be a pot luck dinner.

SWAT PATROL and HIGHWAY PATROL bring a Main dish and a Side Dish.
PENGUIN PATROL and DYNAMITE PATROL bring a Main dish and a Salad.
ADULTS bring a Dessert.
The TLC will bring drinks.

We will see you Sunday at 5:00 PM

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Congratulations to Troop 664's newest Arrowmen.
Cameron and Rob completed the Ordeal at Camp Baldwin and are now members of the BSA's Honored Camping Society.
Along with Cameron and Rob becoming Arrowmen, Lucas and Josh sealed their membership in the Order of the Arrow by completing the test and Brotherhood ceremony.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quite the Honor

It looks like the folks at Disney got the word about Troop 664!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank you

Thank you to all of you that participated in tonight's Flag placement.
I can not say it enough,  I am proud of all of you.  You acted with dignity and reverence, but most of all your dedication to this effort showed true character.
Thanks again!

Jerry Schleining Jr.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

For those of you Signed up for Jamboree... and those that are not

A new post has been updated on the Thunderbird Jamboree Blog.
If you are currently registered to go to Jamboree in 2010 then you should be checking this site often for updates and news.  If you are still unsure.. don't wait to long.  There are only 63 slots available for the Council.

The Water Knot

As we prepare for the Rock Climbing camp out in June, lets get our skills sharpened and learned.
Last troop meeting we worked on the Water Knot.  A very important knot in Rock climbing.
Here is a short video to remind you how to tie the Water Knot.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Flag Placement Reminder

Just a Reminder...
The Flag Placement Ceremony is tonight at 6:30 PM.
Be there by 6:00 PM.  
Park over at Section F.

Thanks for your Support in this effort.  If the Scouts do not place the flags on these markers, they will not get done.  We may the only visitor that visits the site of some of these Veterans all year.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Activities

Memorial Day is a Special time in our Country, it is an opportunity for all of us to say thank you and remember those that have served so honorably.

Here is the list of activities that our Troop is participating in, please help us out where you can.

Thursday-  Flag Placement ceremony and Flag placement.
Be at the Willamette National Cemetery at 6:00 PM.  Park by Section F.
Ceremony Starts at 6:30 PM
Uniform-  Full uniform

Monday-  Gresham Hero's Memorial celebration.
We can use shifts of Scouts, but you are welcome to be there for the whole time.
First Shift will begin at 8:30 AM at the Hero's Memorial 
Second Shift will be at 10:00 AM
We should be finished no later than 12:00 noon.

I appreciate all your help.

If you can not make any of the events... then take the time to say thank you to a Veteran.  Remember them in your thoughts and prayers.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Camporee 2009

Camporee 2009 is now in the books.  
I am extremely proud of the Troop.  We went into camporee with the expectation of having fun.
And Fun we had.
The weather was fantastic and it seemed as if it were a long time coming not to have rain.
The theme this year was "Highland Games"!  Kilts were worn, Cabers were tossed, and feats of muscle and skill were tested.
The Scouts had a great time and came away with 6 ribbons for winning various events.

Again, I am extremely proud of the Scouts of 664!  They showed the District why we are the Troop that Rocks the Thunderbird!
More pictures and video to come.... stay tuned!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday 15 May, 2009

We will be gathering at the Knights Hall at 6:00 PM on Friday to leave for Camporee!
Please do not be late.. we need to get on the road by 6:30 PM.

Have everything ready to go.   We won't have time to repack in the parking lot.
Arrowmen.. don't forget your sash for Saturday nights call out.

It's going to be a great camporee, we are sure to have lots of fun.

See you then!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hero's Memorial Dedication

A special thank you to all of you Scouts that made the Troop very proud today at the Gresham Hero's memorial.
John, George, Josh, Parker, Ethan, Lucas, Joshua, TJ, Terrance, James, and Doyle and Cameron!  You all made us proud as you participated in one of the City of Gresham's finest hours.
Your selfless service to the community is a true example of citizenship and commitment.

Here are some pictures of the event.

Again,  Great Job guys.  You really made the dedication special and will forever be a piece of our communities history.

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Heroes Memorial Dedication

We will be rehearsing on Sat 5/2 at 5pm at the Gresham Heroes Memorial.
The memorial is on the corner of Powell and Roberts above Main City Park.
Remember to wear your full uniform.
Troop hat
Scout Shirt
Scout Pants
Scout Belt

They would like boys to do programs and seating. If you are available to come at 6:00pm, please come help even if you don't have full uniform. Wear nice jeans.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April committee Meeting

Please come to the committee meeting on Sun 4/26 at 5pm at the Knight's Hall.


Open committee positions
Treasurer report
Summer Camp - final payment June 1 deadline
Dues update
Candy sale results
Troop organized fundraiser for Jamboree
Service project coverage
May Court of Honor - Oregon Birthday
Camporee transportation arrangements
Camporee registration
June reservations
July reservations
Scoutmaster update

All parents are welcome

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Eagle Creek Backpack trip

Well, another great camp out is in the books.
A learning experience for everyone I am sure.  I am very proud of all the Scouts that made the trip.  21 of the Scouts braved the weight and the distance and the payoff was tremendous.
Water falls, quiet, and hanging out with friends, not to mention some good physical exercise and and testing of limits.
The trail led us through some challenging spots, but the Scouts made it, a confidence builder to be sure.  Again, I am proud of all of you.

Can't wait to hit the trail again!

Have a Great Scouting Day!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Service hours opportunity

The Gresham Heroes Memorial (Corner of Roberts and Powell near Main City Park) would like our help with two events.
Sat 5/2 6:30pm - Dedication and flag ceremony. I need 10-20 boys IN FULL UNIFORM, that means scout shirt, scout pants, troop hat. We will be responsible to raise all 10 flags.

For the new kids, you will get service hours and a flag ceremony for your 2nd class rank!
Please let me know by Wed 4/22.

Mon 5/25 8:30am - Memorial Day service. We need help with set-up, tear down and flag raising. If you are going to raise a flag you must be IN FULL UNIFORM.
Please let me know by Mon 4/27

call or email: