Monday, November 30, 2009

Suggested List of things for the Troops!

Here is a Suggested list of things to bring to the Court of Honor on Sunday for the gift box to the Troops:

Hard candy
Suduko Books/ Crossword Puzzles
Hard Candy
Books (soft bound)
Baby wipes
Crystal Light drink mix
Red vines
Home made cookies
Playing cards
AA Batteries
Hard candy (NO CHOCOLATE)
Personal Letters to the Troops.

The Soldiers over there have access to the exchange system, so they can purchase most items... gettting them in a gift box from home lets them know that we care and are thinking about them.
This list is short and based on what we liked when I was there.
Anything from home is a good idea.  If you think of something the Troops might like.. add it to the list and bring it to the Court of Honor on Sunday.  We will be boxing it all up and sending to the Soldiers that are currently serving in Iraq.  Did I mention Hard candy?

Have a Great Scouting Day!

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